What is HuntReminder?
HuntReminder is a simple, effective service designed to help hunters set text message and email reminders to apply for tags they’d like to draw. Set reminders for all the hunts you want to apply for and never miss an application deadline again.
If you have onX Hunt Elite, follow the instructions below to sign up for HuntReminder at no cost.
If you have onX Hunt Premium, click here for instructions on how to upgrade to onX Hunt Elite.
If you don't have onX Hunt Premium or Elite, click here to sign up for onX Hunt Elite.
How to sign up for HuntReminder
Visit the Elite Member Benefits page to begin signing up for HuntReminder. On the Elite Member Benefits page, click the HuntReminder logo under "Participating Companies."
On the HuntReminder page, click "Get Elite Benefit."
If you don't see the "Get Elite Benefit" button, you need to log in to your onX Hunt account.
After clicking "Get Elite Benefit," you'll be sent to the HuntReminder Exclusive Benefits website. Click "Login with onX."
Enter your onX Hunt email address and password in the pop-up window. Make sure to use the same email address and password associated with your onX Hunt account.
If you have any trouble logging in, our customer support team will be happy to help. Click here to contact customer support.
Click "Allow" to connect your onX account to HuntReminder and start your subscription.
Click here for a YouTube video tutorial that walks through how to sign up and use HuntReminder.