Having trouble viewing Private Lands?
If you purchased a Premium or Elite Membership and you aren't able to see Private Land borders and landowners on your map, it may be a simple fix. Click here for instructions on how to fix missing Private Lands.
Viewing Private Lands
The Private Lands Layer shows property owned by private individuals or corporations. Never cross onto private property without express permission from the landowner.
Each State Folder has its own Private Lands Layer. Click here to learn more about using the Map Layers Menu.
Private property borders are red-orange lines on your map, and the landowner's name is shown inside the property border.
Private Land borders:
Private Landowner name:
Tap or click inside a property border to view the owner's name, size of the property, and landowner's tax address (if available). Due to privacy concerns, landowner phone numbers are not available in onX Hunt.
We do our best to keep everything as up-to-date and accurate as possible, but some data sources are more accurate than others. If you notice something you believe is wrong, we want to know about it. Click here for instructions on how to report out-of-date or inaccurate landowner information.