When you purchase or renew your Membership, your receipt is automatically sent to the email address associated with your account. The easiest way to get a receipt is to check your email inbox from the day of purchase or renewal. Depending on your purchase method, your receipt may be from Apple, Google, or onXmaps.com.
If your purchase method is Apple or Google, your receipt is sent to the email address associated with the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, which may be different from the one associated with your onX account.
If you are unable to locate your receipt in your email inbox, you can get another copy after locating your purchase method. To find your purchase method, click here to log into the account info page.
- If your purchase method is Apple, click here for instructions on how to view your purchase history and get a receipt.
- If your purchase method is Google, click here for instructions on how to get a receipt.
- If your purchase method is onXmaps.com, please contact onX customer support to request a receipt. Click here for instructions on how to contact onX customer support.
If you have any trouble finding your receipt or purchase method, our friendly support staff can help, and we usually respond to all customer contacts within 24 business hours. Click here for instructions on how to contact onX customer support.