Hunt Research Tools - Draw Odds, Tag Trends, Harvest Statistics is available for onX Hunt Elite Members and currently includes hunting draw odds, tag data, and harvest trends for 11 western states (NM, CO, WY, MT, ID, UT, AZ, CA, NV, OR, and AK).
Click here to access onX Hunt Research Tools.
Table of Contents:
- Frequently asked questions
- Using the Hunt Research Tools
- YouTube HOW Videos
Frequently asked questions
When did Hunt Research tools go live?
- HRT went live in January 2024.
How do I get access to Hunt Research Tools?
- HRT is part of the onX Elite toolset and free with your onX Elite membership level. Click here: or go to our login page and then click on the Login with onX button. You will get an onX Login screen - sign in with your onX user account information. If you are not an onX member you can sign up for a membership here and receive 20% off your first year.
I am a Premium two-state user and I am unable to view the Hunt Research Tools
- Hunt Research Tools, along with Huntin Fool and HuntReminder, is an Elite-only feature. Upgrade to Elite to access these application season tools. Click here for instructions on how to upgrade to Elite.
Is there a free trial of Hunt Research Tools?
- You can start a free trial of onX Elite which will give you a trial access to HRT.
When will you update the data to the current year?
- We aim to have all states updated by December 1st of each year before applications to western states open and draw deadlines loom.
- Not all states are always up to date and current, as each year we update this information which requires the states to send us their draw and application data, and at times it takes a while to process. You'll see the current year of data in the results list on the left side of the results cards and can easily determine which states are up to date and which are not.
- States release new information at different times throughout the year and we can't get this data from the states until their draws have completed and they post their draw results.
- Each year we update the tool with data from the most recent draws. In this case that’s always from the prior year, so when applying for 2024 tags we’ll publish data from the 2023 draw. We do this to ensure the data is as accurate as possible, which means we have to use the most recent data we can from the states (which is always the last draw to happen which tends to be from the previous year). Since the current year’s draws have not happened yet, there is no data from the current year.
I'm researching hunts this year, but your most recent draw odds are from last year. Where are this year's draw odds?
- This is a common misconception. We can't publish the current year's draw data until after the current year's draws have occurred. Since the current year's draw has not happened yet, the draw odds data we collect and analyze are from the past year's hunting application season. The best way to research for current year applications is by using data from the previous year's draws and analyzing trends from that data.
- This tool is not a predictive tool telling users what the odds will be, it’s instead showing users what the exact odds were at the time of the last draw, so assuming nothing major has changed in terms of the number of applicants or number of tags in the quota, the data is as accurate as possible to help users determine their application strategy.
- This tool is designed to help you create a plan, not predict the future, so use this information with a grain of salt and always check your regs to ensure tag quotas or other changes have not been implemented before you submit your application.
What states does Hunt Research Tools cover?
- Currently Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.
How come I cannot find my state?
- We currently cover 11 Western states, NM, CO, WY, MT, ID, UT, AZ, CA, NV, OR, and AK.
- Some states we cover are not currently live, we are waiting for the states to send us their draw and application data. We run our simulations and analysis directly from state data rather than 3rd party data to give our users the most accurate and reliable results.
- We do not support Washington state at this time. Please reach out to WDFW if you would like to request they send their draw data for inclusion in this product.
Why do my draw odds seem lower than expected?
- All draw odds default to non-resident and zero points if you have not selected your residency or added your species points for states where you have current points. Please click on your profile to update your residency and species points to ensure your results are as accurate and personalized as possible.
How do I set my state residency?
- Click the profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen then select "My Profile." You can set your state residency at the bottom of the screen.
Can I enter and store our points on our account so that I don’t always have to look them up for each state?
- Yes, you can record and store your points in your profile. Click the profile icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Where can I change/add points I have for different species and states?
- Click the profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then select "My Points." There are also a few places in your profile where you can access the points manager.
Why are points named different things for different states?
- States name their points differently from one another based on how they run their draws. Some states run bonus point draws, and others run preference point draws, so we try to capture those differences where possible to help users know where draws differ. This may change your strategy depending on your goals.
Why does Colorado have two different point designations?
- Colorado is unique in that it has preference points for elk, deer, and antelope, and a preference + weighted bonus point system for moose, goat, and sheep. To calculate your odds correctly please be sure to select the correct point type depending on the species you are entering points for.
Why can't I enter my Nevada Goat points into Hunt Research Tools?
- We currently do not cover Nevada Goat draws in this tool. We are considering adding additional species and states in the future.
How do you calculate the draw odds?
- To get the most accurate results possible, we simulate each state's draw using programs we created that mirror state procedures. Our simulations use the entire applicant database from the states, including hunt choice order and group application information where applicable. As fees increase and demand grows, understanding your true chances to draw should be an important part of your hunt plans and budget.
Why do draw simulations produce more accurate odds than simple spreadsheet math?
- Every state has unique drawing procedures. When calculating the true odds one must consider point systems, applicant pools, capped species quotas, hunt choice orders, and how each application is evaluated before moving on. This quickly becomes extremely difficult or impossible to do with simple math. For some examples, check out this article about New Mexico's draw odds, this article about Wyoming's draw odds, or this article about Colorado's draw odds.
What does it mean when you say 3.6% @ 16 points or 75% @ 23 points? How do I use this to know what my odds would be at say 10 points?
- In these cases where HRT is reporting the odds of 3.6% @ 16 points, this means that in the prior application year (which is the year we have actual data for and base our draw odds on) 3.6% of applicants with 16 points drew this tag. Anyone with 17 points or above drew the tag (100%) and anyone with 15 points or less did not draw (0%). The number of points we show in the odds is the breaking level of where applicants started to draw tags. This example is for Colorado which is a preference point state for elk meaning the people with the most points draw first. The draw % and at what point level can change for the current year’s draw if state quotas are expanded or if fewer people apply for a particular hunt.
Does Hunt Research Tools differentiate between different tags (either, bull, cow) when showing the draw odds?
- Yes, we differentiate between different hunt codes and the odds for each of those hunts.
Can you look at HRT data from the perspective of draw odds trends? For example, it would be useful to know how many points it would take to draw for a particular unit in 2022 compared to 2021, and then compared to 2020. That would give you some idea to project how many points will be required for that unit in 2023.
- Yes, you can view that information on the Unit pages. From the results page click on the chevron (>) on any results card to go to the unit page. Then click on the hunt you want to view trends for and you’ll see all our trending data open up in an accordion.
Is this tool predicting the odds for the current year?
- No, this tool is not predictive. We are showing users the exact data that created last year’s draw results which gives users insight into how the draw worked in the previous year, which translates to how the draw should work in the current year, barring any major chances from the state. This is the best potential information users can use to determine draw odds and potential hunting success.
How is the hunting pressure score calculated?
- This metric is derived from taking the total number of tags possible for a hunt/species divided by the square miles of public land in that unit. We are working on a more robust score for pressure which will include all potential tags in a unit independent of species as well as potential additional data streams which could include non-hunting pressure.
I know the unit that I want to see odds for, can I search for that unit?
- Yes, once you start a search with a species and state, you can filter to specific units in the unit filter located above the search results.
Will I ever be able to pick more than one species or state so I can compare hunting options for a species across states, or look at multiple species in one state, or even look at multiple species across multiple states?
- Yes, currently you can pick multiple states to compare against and soon you'll be able to pick multiple species as well.
Some units say NA in the Harvest data field. Why?
- If the harvest data is NULL for a hunt this typically means the state did not have that data at the time they sent use their metrics. We only publish data we get directly from the states to ensure it’s as accurate as possible, and can’t always ensure the states have stats for every unit or hunt code.
- If a state doesn't send us data for the current year, but we have it from a past year we will show that data and not put a NA in the harvest data field. Some states, regions, GMUs do not report harvest data every year, some do it every other year or on a random cadence. We will post any data we have and you can check on the unit page (see more about accessing the unit pages below) to see what year the most recent harvest data is from.
- For some state's, our harvest matching algorithm is much more particular than others as well. For instance, we match harvest by weapon and unit in WY. Whereas MT we match by unit and species. For some state's and species (e.g., CO moose, sheep, and goat) we do not have harvest at all as it is not part of the the state's data we get.
Will onX ever cover non-western hunts or additional western species (PA Elk, KY Elk, ME Moose, AZ Javelina, etc.)
- We hope to continue expanding which states and species we cover.
How come there is no data on draws bear?
- Bear odds are available in AK data. We don't cover bear currently in other states, but we hope to add that data stream in the future.
I was curious why none of the draw odds sites provide data for turkey draws. Is this something that can be done?
- Yes, turkey draw odds can be calculated just like other big game draw odds. Turkeys are a species we are considering adding in the future to our draw odds data.
Why doesn't the Hunt Research Tools provide unit trophy ratings or "hit lists?"
- We believe you can generally infer the quality of a big game unit from demand and draw odds. Underrated "sleeper" units and hunts do exist, but they wouldn't be sleepers long if they were actively promoted as such. Additionally, there are plenty of great services like our friends at Huntin' Fool that can provide personalized guidance on hunt selection if you require it. Click here for the Huntin' Fool website.
Can you cross-reference/combine searches for harvest percentage with draw odds? Looks like the two are separate.
- No, not at this time currently.
Can you get draw odds specifically for Ranching for Wildlife hunts?
- Yes, we do cover those in our odds when we have the state data to support them. You should find those in the results list if those hunts exist.
Is there a way to separate public, private, and youth harvest data for the same unit?
- No, not at this time currently.
Can you export the data into something like Excel?
- No, you cannot export draw odds into any CSV program currently.
As someone who's never put in for a draw out-of-state, what are the best steps to start the process?
- Check out the onX Hunt blog at there’s a ton of great content to help you navigate non-resident states you want to apply for.
Is it fair to say we’ll continue to see a point increase needed every year to draw a tag (Point Creep)?
- That’s a safe assumption until evidence suggests otherwise. Most recent trends hint that perhaps “peak” point creep has occurred, but that does not mean point creep is a thing of the past.
Where did the Hunt Central pages go on the onX website that had all the state season dates?
- We still have them, they have just been moved to a new URL at, scroll to the bottom of this page and you will find the map graphic that you can interact with to click on the state info you are looking for.
Are Montana elk and deer combo points stand-alone points for that specific combo draw, or do points need to be purchased individually for elk and deer?
- Preference points prioritize a nonresident combination license applicant. Preference points can only be used on nonresident combination licenses (Deer Combination, Elk Combination, or Big Game Combination). There is only one type of preference point for deer/elk, and those preference points can only be applied to one of the three types of combo licenses. Nonresident applicants cannot purchase separate preference points for the different combo licenses. Three possible preference point applications are outlined below (note: nonresidents can only choose one of the three preference point strategies in a given year).
- Suppose a nonresident applicant wants to hunt elk and wishes to participate in the preference point drawing. They would purchase preference points and apply for the General Elk Combo license.
- Suppose a nonresident wants to hunt deer and wishes to participate in the preference point drawing. They would purchase preference points and apply for the General Deer Combo license.
- Suppose a nonresident wants to hunt deer and elk in Montana in a single season. They would purchase preference points and apply for the Big Game Combo license.
In WY nonresident elk the draw odds are for types 2 and 4. If you go to the website for WY to buy tags it's types 1 and 3. Do we know if they changed tag types this year or is it some weird private land draw?
- No, they haven’t changed types.
- Type 1 and 2 are typically bull/either sex.
- Type 3 is whitetail deer.
- Type 4 is full-price cow permits.
- Type 6 and 7 are reduced-price cow/calf permits.
- Type 9 is archery only.
- GEN is general elk tag.
Are the draw odds for Wyoming non-residents showing the regular draw or the special draw?
- Currently, the preference point draw odds for Wyoming NR are showing the Regular draw odds.
Why are draw odds in onX application season tools different than those published on the state of Arizona website?
- Our odds will rarely match the state’s (with the exception of AK and NM). We simulate out the bonus draw in AZ 40K times to reach steady state probability. AZ is a bonus point state and there is a different set of odds at each point level, so each user should have different odds based on their individual point level.
- If AZ is taking an average of all who apply, then this may explain why their odds look higher than ours, since they will have users with various point levels in that average.
- We provide odds for the individual based on each user's specific point level so be sure to update your profile and points manager in our tools to ensure the odds you are seeing are specific to your situation.
What happened to Toprut?
- Hunt Research Tools has replaced Toprut as our updated application season research tool with an improved user experience, and additional data and features designed to help users more easily plan their application strategy.
Using onX Hunt Research Tools
To access Hunt Research Tools, log into the onX Hunt Web Map. Click here to log into the onX Hunt Web Map.
Click the Hunt Research Tools button on the right side of the screen.
You can set your state of residency and add your preference points by clicking your profile picture in the upper right corner. Click "My Profile" to set your state of residency, and "My Points" to add your preference points.
If you don't have a lot of experience with draw odds and harvest stats, we suggest you click "Start Guide" for an introduction. If you choose not to use the Start Guide you can always come back to it later.
If you choose not to use the Start Guide, click the "Start Search" button.
Select your species and sex, then click the "States / Types" button to continue.
Choose your state and hunt type, then click the "Weapons / Dates" button to continue.
Choose your weapons and date range, then click the search button to continue.
The search results are listed on the left side of the screen, and the map will automatically move to show the unit. Click the "Sort" drop-down menu in the top left corner to sort the results by draw odds, harvest rate, hunting pressure, or amount of public land.
Use the buttons to the right of the "Sort" drop-down to sort by lowest first or highest first.
Use the "View" drop-down to switch to a table view.
onX Hunt Research Tools HOW Videos
Hunt Research Tools General Product Overview
Updating Your Profile and Residency
Adding in Preference and Bonus Points
Using the Guided Tour Feature
Narrowing Down your Results List
What to Do if you Get No Results
Using the Sort Feature
Understanding Your Results
Comparing Results to Eachother
Results Page Map Interaction
Hunt Planning and Unit Analysis for Application Season