The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) Layer displays locations, borders, and access points of RMEF elk habitat restoration projects around the country. You can find the RMEF Layer in the Wildlife Layers Folder.
Click here to learn how RMEF and onX are working to open access to public lands.
At a high zoom level, the RMEF icon marks the locations of elk habitat restoration projects. Zoom in to view the project's border, access points, and name.
RMEF permanently protected lands:
Access points:
Tap inside a project's border for more information.
What is the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation?
Since its humble beginnings in the mid-1980s, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation now has nearly 235,000 members whose support helped complete more than 12,400 conservation and hunting heritage outreach projects that protected or enhanced more than 7.9 million acres of wildlife habitat and opened or improved public access to more than 1.3 million acres, much of which was completely off-limits to the public. RMEF boasts more than 12,000 volunteers working through more than 500 chapters.
Today, RMEF is one of the most effective and efficient conservation organizations in the United States. Working together with members, volunteers, and conservation partners, it is a strong voice for elk, elk country, hunters, and public access as well as wildlife management and conservation issues.