onX Hunt Redeem Codes are generally 16 characters in length and give you free access to a Premium or Elite Membership for a limited amount of time.
Discount codes or promo codes are shorter and are used to reduce the price of a Premium or Elite Membership. Click here to learn how to use discount or promo codes.
To redeem an onX Hunt redeem code, click here to visit the redeem code page. Enter your code in the Redeem Code box and click "Next."
Click here to learn how to download the onX Hunt App.
What if I have two or more Redeem Codes?
You cannot have two Memberships active at the same time. This is to prevent you from accidentally paying again for a product you already own.
You can use one code now and another code after your Membership expires in a year.
Having trouble using your Redeem Code?
Some characters may look similar and can be easy to mix-up. If you see a message that the code is invalid or has already been used, try swapping the letter "O" for the number "zero," or the letter "L" or "I" for the number "one."
Redeem Codes cannot be used to extend a currently active Membership, but you can redeem the code after your Membership expires.
Click here for instructions on how to turn off automatic renewal.